Web Design FAQ
There are many questions you may have when it comes to website design. We hope to have answers for many of them below. let us know if there is a subject that wasn't covered by contacting us today.

Frequently Asked Questions - Web Design
As with most things in life it varies depending upon a number of variables: the depth of the website (number of pages), the requested functionality, which might include image galleries, videos, slide shows, contact forms, ecommerce, 3rd party software integration, etc.
A retainer is used to begin the process and payment plans are then established.
If you have a website you would like to design or redesign, you can use the online Website Design Request for Quote to get an accurate estimate of what your website may cost to design.
Much like the cost of a website design, it also varies depending the same factors. More functionality and features can often lead to anger web development time frames. Some of the simplest websites can be designed in a few weeks or even less, while more complicated sites can range from 30-90 days and more, again, depending on the complexity of the project.
We do not offer hosting But we do work with a hosting provider that offers extremely competitive rates and great features. Free SSL, fast servers, security monitoring and more are offered as part of their hosting packages. You can review the hosting plans here.
No. However when using a CMS (Content Management System) there are certain plugins that may be required to include certain functionality. In many cases these plugins require an annual membership in order to be able to keep the software updated and also have access to support.
In that event, the proposal will include 3rd party fees required.
Security is of major concern when dealing with web design today. Unfortunately there is no silver bullet when it comes to website security. Hackers are constantly finding new ways to compromise websites. However there are a number of strategies that are implemented in order to thwart the efforts of would-be hackers. Some of which include:
- Constant monitoring of your website
- Two-Factor Authentication
- Installation of firewall software
- Regular updates to the core software of the website
- Regular updates to all plugins and extensions for the website
- Regular off-site backups of your website
- Secret admin URLs
These are just a few of the steps included to help keep your website safe. In the event that a website is compromised, we recommend working with a malware cleaning company that can locate the security breach and mitigate it within 24-48 hours. You can learn more about their security services here.
Yes. If you wish to have the ability to maintain or add content to your website, we will use a Content management System such as Joomla® or WordPress. It will be important to know before hand where you might want the ability to make changes on the website. For example, a blog, the home page content, etc. This way we can plan ahead and allow access to those areas only.
Yes. If your new website will be using a CMS we will train you by either documentation, video, telephone or in-person sessions.
Yes. We can create separate accounts for all of your staff that you wish to have access to the admin area of your website. We can also limit the access on a per user basis. This means one user may have access to the blog, while another user may have access to edit the content but not publish it, etc.
Yes. We can set up a monthly maintenance plan that will include:
- Core software updates
- Plugin and extension updates
- Off-site backups of the website
- Security monitoring
- Uptime monitoring
- Monthly technical audits
- Monthly reports
Some plans may also include updates and changes to your content in a set number of hours per month, depending on the plan. Read more about website maintenance plans here.
Yes. But we prefer to model your new website on something you may like, rather than just use a template. We work with a particular framework and there isn’t much that can’t be done with it. If there is a particular website you like or features you wish to include, this can all be customized to meet your needs.
Yes. We offer plans ranging from $250 per month and up.
Absolutely! It is a virtual requirement that all websites designed today be responsive, meaning they should be compatible with any device. Desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile.
What's more, Google is penalizing websites in search results if the are not responsive!
Yes. You can apply for a six month same as cash plan through our PayPal invoicing system. Or we can set you up on our own payment plan. The details of which can be discussed.
Most website designs will typically consist of four or five stages or phases:
- Discovery: meeting, consulting, fact and content gathering, etc.
- Wireframing/Comping: Provide a basic layout using wireframes that indicate what content willl go where. Comping is the proofing of the colored comps of the new design.
- Staging/Development: The website will be developed on our servers. Any changes and all testing will be done here before completion.
- Deployment: The final stage where the website is migrated to your hosting environment, tested once more and deployed to the world.
You can review our Web Design Process
All phases must be approved in writing prior to commencement of the next phase.
The content for your website may come from you or we can provide it. The latter may take a little more time as we will need to interview and get to know your company on a more intimate basis. This will also require additional fees.
Copy writing and photography/imagery, if provided by you, should be provided in electronic format, ie; Word docs, high resolution images, etc. Any artwork or logos should be provided in vector format if possible, ie; Illustrator files or .svg files.
Absolutely. All the files are provided in your hosting environment and are yours once the project has been approved and finally payments made.
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